San Francisco Regional Mensa: The Next Pandemic

February 11, 12:30 Central, 2:30 Pacific

Outbreaks and epidemics of highly virulent infectious diseases are occurring with notably increasing frequency, yet the world’s defenses remain essentially as porous and insufficient as they were in 2019, when Covid emerged. Treaty negotiations to achieve global “pandemic preparedness” have been extremely disappointing. Predictably, the public, legislators, and the media are becoming complacent … and concern about the threat we confront from infectious diseases is waning. According to some of the world’s leading infectious disease specialists, unless key improvements are made in national and global surveillance and containment systems, it is virtually certain that we, or at the latest our children’s generation will experience, re-emerging or previously unknown infectious diseases, some possibly far deadlier and more socially and economically devastating than COVID. His presentation will:

  • Identify the main factors predictive of future pandemics
  • Explain why virulent disease outbreaks and epidemics are increasing in frequency
  • Identify the regions where future outbreaks and epidemics will most likely occur
  • Explain why some outbreaks will likely spread internationally and become pandemic
  • Provide an update and critique of treaty negotiations
  • Offer recommendations for improving our long-term national and global defenses

Guest speaker Dr. Robert Enteen has 25 years of experience in health research and policy analysis on acute and chronic disease and disability. He has designed, conducted, and led studies for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Columbia University,, the National Institute of Mental Health, and other organizations. For seven years Dr. Enteen hosted a medical talk show broadcast weekly by NPR, university, and community radio stations, as well as radio reading services for the blind and visually impaired. He also served as the first Director of Multimedia Programs at (now WebMD) and CBS

The author of more than 60 journal articles, magazine articles, and book chapters, he published “Our Pandemic Future” in 2023. Dr. Enteen is currently a researcher on pandemics at the Center for Catastrophic Risk Management at U.C. Berkeley, and a voting member of the Advisory Board of the California Department of Public Health program on Healthcare Acquired Infections. Dr. Enteen has a Ph.D. in sociology and post-doctoral certificates in psychotherapy, organizational development, and clinical hypnosis.

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For more information, contact Judy Unger (714-356-4873).